And, why it’s better for you.


We are listed as a co-host on your listing(s).

Your reviews and listing(s) always belong to you.

You receive guest payouts in real time.

We receive money when your property is performing well.

We care about your property and your guests like they are our own.

We optimize your listing to get more bookings and 5-star reviews.


The management group is listed as the owner on your listing(s).

Your reviews and listing(s) belong to the property manager. 

You are paid at the end of the month net of fees, commissions, and services.

You pay a flat fee and a percentage of the nightly rate.

You are one of hundreds of their listings.

Their goal is to get bookings on their platform, not to optimize your listing.

We keep our client list MANAGEABLE so we can give each property the ATTENTION IT DeserveS!